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HWB & Internet Safety Links

Fact Sheet for Parents and Carers with useful Online Safety links.

NCA CEOP Offender Animation #WhoIsSam - Do you talk to your children about Online Safety?

With the threat of offenders using online live streaming platforms increasing there is a need to educate children about the associated risks. NCA-CEOP want to help parents and carers protect their children from online offenders like Sam, the fictional narrator of the animation, who targets children online and quickly builds trust with them.

Safer Internet Day - Thursday 9th February.


All children across the school will be taking part in an activity some time next week to increase awareness of being safer on the Internet.


There will be an assembly on Monday 6th February for both Foundation phase and junior children. They will also be introduced to the school's E Cadets, who have some exciting information for the children.


Check out the Digital Leaders page in the children's section for more information next week.


Below you will find a link to a parental presentation about E Safety and also an information fact sheet. 

APP Awareness - North Wales Police

APP Awareness poster as a document.
