We are proud at Southdown to be using the Class DOJO system. As well as merit points for good work and behaviour, your child may be awarded DOJOs for a variety of different things. These may be linked to their attitude towards learning and growth mindset or that they have shown characteristics of one of the 4 purposes. E.g. That they have demonstrated that they are an enterprising and creative contributor, or a helathy confident individual.
Other features of the Class DOJO include:
- Individual Messenger. - This allows you to message your child's class teacher, within normal working hours - please do not expect staff to respond out of these hours.
- Class Story. - This will be updated regularly, giving you an insight to what your child has been leanring so that you can best support them at home.
- School Story - This will give whole school reminders of activities and events, communicate important whole school messages and gives an exciting insight to what our Southdown family have been doing.
The Class DOJO is a valuable point of contact with your child's class teacher and promotes open communication about what your child is doing in school.
Please do not use Class DOJO for letting school know if your child is absent, please ring the office 01244 544473. Also if you have any queries or concerns please make arrangements to speak to your child's teacher, as a conversation is usually a more helpful way to commuinicate and resolve any concerns.
You will be given an invitation to join your child's class DOJO when your child starts at Southdown.