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Blwyddyn 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Croeso i Flwyddyn 5!



Mrs Cox


Mr Williams




Topics this term


Our topic this term is Victorians. The children will have the opportunity to read a book called Cogheart by Peter Bunzl, it is an adventure set in Victorian Britain. They have chosen to learn about Victorian inventions and why children worked during the Victorian era.


Our Science topic is Electricity. Did you know that Thomas Edison invented the electric lightbulb during the Victorian era!

We are learning about the Four Purposes in our class



  • Read with your child and sign in their reading record at least 4 times a week, as reading underpins all areas of the curriculum. Pupils will earn a ‘dojo‘ every day that they read at home.


  • Practise spellings with your child.  A new spelling list will go home on a Monday and then they will be tested the following Monday.  Your child must complete their activity sheet and put some time aside to learn the spellings that they have been given.  They will earn a 'dojo' point for returning their spelling and getting full marks. Please encourage your child to post their spelling homework onto Seesaw. They will receive a  ‘Merit Point’ for full marks three weeks running in their spelling test.


  • TTRockstars is a fantastic resource that allows children to practise their times tables. They can earn points and play against their friends. 


  • Flipped learning Once or twice a half term we will ask you to watch a short clip or read some information about a topic in school. This gives your child a head start in class as they will already have some understanding about what we are learning about. We will post tasks on ClassDojo and Seesaw.



If your child needs to self-isolate, work will be posted to Seesaw. Please encourage them to complete this as it will keep them in the loop for their return to school.


Can you help?


Have you got any old magazines or comics

that your child no longer needs?


If so we would be grateful if you would donate them to us to build up a

bank of reading resources for our reading time, thank you.

They will be quarantined for 72 hours before being used in class.



Friday - Cricket with Cricket Wales


Just a reminder....


P.E. Kit


Black shorts, a round neck red t-shirt and trainers.

Children may wear a dark coloured track suit when the weather is cold, for outdoor games. Earrings should be removed.

Please ensure that your child has a waterproof coat for these sessions.



Please see below a list of

recommended apps and websites

to support your child's learning:
